Shanghai Adolescents’ Science and Technology Innovation Contest
Shanghai Adolescents’ Science and Technology Innovation Contesthas been held for 29 periods in Shanghai. The winners of SASTIC will have chances going to participate ISEF. SASTIC is held annually in March.
Shanghai Adolescents’ Robotics Contest
Shanghai Adolescents' Robotics Contest is held by Shanghai Association for Science and Technology annually. It is a municipal contest of China Adolescents’ Robotics Contest. Shanghai Adolescents’ Robotics Contest has five parts, general skills contest, innovation contest, FLL robot contest, VEX robot contest, and robot football contest.
China Adolescents’ Science and Technology Innovation Contest
China Adolescents’ Science and Technology Innovation Contesthas been held for 29 periods in China. The winners of CASTIC will have chances going to participate ISEF. CASTIC is held annually in summer.
China Adolescents’ Robotics Contest
ChinaAdolescents' Robotics Contest is held by China Association for Science and Technology annually.
Awarding Program for Future Scientists
The program is been held by Ministry of Education of China, China Association for Science and Technology, Zhoukaixuan Foundation annually..
Every year, SSAYT have its member students to participate in various international contests and fairs as well as summer camps.
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
ISEF has become a highest level fair in adolescents’ science and technology innovation fairs in the world. SSAYT has about a hundred members won awards on ISEF. In 2004, SSAYT senior member Yuanchen Zhu won Intel Foundation Youth Science Award, Sweden Seaborg SIYSS award, Grand award in computer science, first award in computer science, first award provided by US computer association, Second award provided by IEEE in computer science, honorary award provided by SEG and other more awards. In 2014, SSAYT senior member Yue Yao won Intel ISEF first award in computer science, Grand award in computer science and European youth scientist award.
International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, Environment) Project Olympiad
I-SWEEEP, The International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, and Environment) Project, is a groundbreaking science fair competition open to high school students. It is the largest science fair event of its kind world-wide. I-SWEEEP is organized by harmony Public Schools, K-12 Public Charter School System, with the support of with leaders of industry and higher education institutions. For now, SSAYT has participated I-SWEEEP for four periods and won more than 20 awards including gold medals, silver medals, bronze medals to special awards.
GENIUS Olympiad
GENIUS Olympiad is an international high school project competition about environmental issues. It is founded and organized by the Terra Science and Education and hosted by the State University of New York at Oswego. GENIUS Olympiad 2015 will host projects in five general disciplines with an environmental focus. SSAYT participated the Olympiad since 2012 and won silver medals, bronze medals and special awards.
Exporecerca Jove
Exporecerca Jove is an international youth science fair organized by MAGMA, an association located in Barcelona, Spain, a member of MILSET. Exporecerca Jove has a history of 15 years and now became the biggest science fair in Spain. And now it is an affiliated fair of Intel ISEF. SSAYT cooperated with MAGMA since 2014, and will participate Exporecerca Jove from now on.
As well as forums and expos:
Australia National Science Youth
EXPO Science Luxembourg
Exhibition of International Geneva
International Environmental Project Olympiadb
London International Youth Science Forum